Our Church
• Sunday morning worship is held at 10:30 am and includes Communion on the 1st Sunday of each month and followed by Coffee and Fellowship after each service. There is an area set aside for children with work sheets, books and activities with the option of using an attached small hall with a leak speaker for the adults to listen to the service.
• Wednesday noontime Communion.
• Until recently an evening religion based discussion group - Learning Curve.
• Bible Study on Zoom on Mondays at 7 PM.
• Prayer Meeting on Zoom on Wednesdays at 7 PM.
• We have an informal engagement with Churches Together in Golders Green and Cricklewood for joint Lent, Easter and Christmas activities.
Worship style is a blend of traditional and contemporary and is always the prerogative of the presiding Minister after consultation with the Deaconate about possible changes. Music is led by a professional pianist supplemented by a pipe organ.
The Church was formed in the early 1900's in nearby Brent Terrace in a small gospel hall. In 1930 the Building and Manse were built as part of the 900 private housing estate and donated to the church by the builders John Laing Ltd. In 2001 we started the first steps of forming a Local Ecumenical Project (LEP) ( led by our then Minister) with St Peters - Cricklewood (CoE) and in December 2002 they moved onto our premises as tenants. This vision went when the Anglicans changed direction and later left our premises when in 2017 their then Priest left to take up a living elsewhere. Subsequently this Anglican parish has gained a new Curate who has worked with our previous Minister and, since the latter's departure, has run a few of our services at the start of this interregnum.
Get in Touch
Claremont Free Church
167A Cheviot Gardens, London NW2 1PY
020 8455 7331
167A Cheviot Gardens, London NW2 1PY
020 8455 7331